Forming Technology
The special chemistry and the specific binding style of ceramic materials makes them generally also interesting for applications where high frictional forces occur with metals. A typical example is the forming or calibration of tubes or sleeves. The susceptibility to seizure between the tool (of course made of technical ceramics) and metallic workpiece is significantly reduced. It is not necessarily achieved a longer service life compared to hard metals, but often a higher surface quality and process safety. Also mandrels, calibration spheres and bending bushes ceramic tools are being used successfully. Most frequently, ZrO2 or mixed oxides based on ZrO2, ie an ATZ ceramics as our Z-700/20 A, used. The special friction conditions, it is always to be observed so any lubrication or the process parameters need to be adjusted slightly in order to unfold the full potential use by the application of technical ceramics.
Application examples:
- Bending jacks of Z-700E HIP
- Calibration of Z-700E, A-997
- Mandrels from Z-507
- Roles of A-960, Z-507, Z-700E